8 Quotes & Sayings By Jean Ingelow

Jean Ingelow was born in 1857 in London, England. She was educated at home by her widowed mother, then attended the Leipzig Conservatoire to study singing. Her adult life was spent in Italy, where she gave recitals and also translated Italian poetry into English. She returned to London in 1892 to live with her cousin who had adopted her Read more

Also in London she began writing, producing poetry and prose for various newspapers and magazines. After World War I she left England for the United States, where she continued to write until her death in 1941.

I have lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered. Jean Ingelow
Youth! youth! how buoyant are thy hopes they turn Like marigolds toward the sunny side. Jean Ingelow
The moon looks upon many night flowers the night flowers see but one moon. Jean Ingelow
Man is the miracle in nature. God Is the One Miracle to man. Jean Ingelow
Against her ankles as she trod The lucky buttercups did nod. Jean Ingelow
A healthful hunger for a great idea is the beauty and blessedness of life. Jean Ingelow
When sparrows build and the leaves break forth, My old sorrow wakes and cries. Jean Ingelow